
These downloads are available:

Download of Q-plus Bridge 15
Download of Q-plus Bridge 15 mobile on Android
Q-plus Bridge 15 direct: click here and play
Download of Q-plus Bridge 12
Download of Q-plus Bridge 11
Download page for the programs with Bernard Magee

Q-plus Bridge 15 (version 15.7) - Download

The downloaded program offers to start as demo version (52 different deals), or as full version.
For the full version you need the 16-character product key (of the type QEXX-PPPP-PPPP-PPPP).

Installation Q-plus Bridge 15 on all Windows versions (about 13 MB):
1) You execute the link, either directly or by saving the file.
2) The downloaded program "qplus15-eng(.exe)" suggests to extract the contained files
to a folder "c:\games\qbridge15" ; you start this by clicking on the "unzip" button.
3) At the end of the extraction, an installation program starts.
It creates an icon at the desktop and entries in the Windows Start menu,
you may start the program using one of that.

Archive: Download of the previous version 15.3.

Q-plus Bridge 15 mobile - Android Download

To start the download, you tap in the (Chrome) browser of the device on the link:
    qbridge157-a5.apk - for Android 5 - 9
                     qbridge157-a10.apk - for Android 10 - 13
until it is finished and then tap on it to install the app.

Since it is not a download from Google Play you will be asked once or twice
- depending on the Android version - if you actually want to download
and to install, which you confirm.

After the installation you find the app as Q-plus Bridge 15.7 mobile,
either in alphabetical order or (as the most recent app) at the end.

Archive: Download of the previous version 15.3:    qbridge153-a5.apk - for Android 5 - 9
                     qbridge153-a10.apk - for Android 10 - 13

Activation as full version

To start Q-plus Bridge 15 mobile as full version, you need a product key
- a product key for Q-plus Bridge 15 on Windows is also valid for Android.

Q-plus Bridge 12 - Download

The downloaded program offers to start as demo version (52 different deals), or as full version.
For the full version you need the 16-character product key (of the type QCXX-PPPP-PPPP-PPPP).

Installation Q-plus Bridge 12 on all Windows versions (about 10 MB):
1) You execute the link, either directly or by saving the file.
2) The downloaded program "qplus12-eng(.exe)" suggests to extract the contained files
to a folder "c:\games\qbridge12" ; you start this by clicking on the "unzip" button.
3) At the end of the extraction, an installation program starts.
It creates an icon at the desktop and entries in the Windows Start menu,
you may start the program using one of that.

Q-plus Bridge 11 - Download

The downloaded program offers to start as demo version (52 different deals), or as full version.
For the full version you need the 16-character product key (of the type QBXX-PPPP-PPPP-PPPP).

Installation Q-plus Bridge 11 on all Windows versions (about 10 MB):
1) You execute the link, either directly or by saving the file.
2) The downloaded program "qplus11-eng(.exe)" suggests to extract the contained files
to a folder "c:\games\qbridge11" ; you start this by clicking on the "unzip" button.
3) At the end of the extraction, an installation program starts.
It creates an icon at the desktop and entries in the Windows Start menu,
you may start the program using one of that.

Q-plus Software GmbH, Heisenbergweg 44, 85540 Haar/München, Germany. e-mail: