

Forum D plus


max. Treffer:

name = "description" bids = regExp: space separated bids // potential initial passes will be added implicitly bidProcess = "u" | "c" // undisturbed or competitive bidding process minHP / maxHP = { role: {suit:nr,..},..} // high card points per role and suit (t=total) minHLP / maxHLP = { role: {suit:nr,..},..} // high card and length points minCS / maxCS = { role: {suit:nr}} // number of cards per suit minC = { role: [nr,..],..} // min. # of cards in the n-th longest suit (nr > 0) minC = { role: [-nr,..],..} // max. # of cards in the n-th shortest suit (nr < 0) maxC = { role: [nr,..],..} // max. # of cards in the n-th longest suit (nr > 0) maxC = { role: [-nr,..],..} // max. # of cards in the n-th shortest suit (nr < 0) dealer = "N" | "S" | "E" | "W" | "*" // the dealer seat contract = regExp // O=opening party, D=defending party contractType = "n" | "x" | "xx" // n=normal , x=doubled, xx=redoubled contractLevel = "-" | "p" | "g" | "s" | "gs" // -=none, p=partial, g=game, s=slam, gs=grand slam declarer = "O" | "D" // who won the contract? O=opener, D=defense result = regExp // tricks points ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- suits : s / h / d / c / nt / maj / min / any / t (total) bids : [1-7][s|h|d|c|nt] / - (pass) / x (double) / xx (redouble) / bid (any non passing bid) roles : O (opener)/ F (first defender) / P (partner) / S (second defender) players : N / E / S / W / O (opening party) / D (defending party) / * (any player)
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